OUR History
Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church has been a strong presence in the community for more than 200 years.
Mt. Hebron was founded in 1800 by the pioneer pastor, Rev. Henry Sechrist, in the home of Martin Hook. A small log church was erected at the Half Way Ground, which was located near the present-day intersection of Interstate 20 and Leaphart Road in West Columbia. The first church on the present site was built in 1837. The second church building was erected in 1907, and a Sunday School Annex was added in 1930. In 1947 Mt Hebron was made a station appointment, and a parsonage was built that year. The Shuler Building was added in 1953. Ten years later, the present sanctuary was completed so that the first worship service was held in it on June 9, 1963. An Educational Building with Fellowship Hall was built in 1972. In 1982 the Adult Wing that now houses the Counseling Service was added. The Children's Wing was added in the early 2000's and also houses the Hebron Day School.
The small white building located on the northeast corner of the church campus was erected in the early 1860's and is known as "The Temperance Hall." It was there that the Sons of Temperance held their meetings. In the 1940's the Men's Bible Class renovated the building inside and out and used it as a classroom for many years. The Temperance Hall has since been restored and recognized by the National Register of Historical Places. A historical marker was erected in 1982.
Today the church has over twelve hundred and sixty members on roll and engages in a variety of ministries within the congregation, around the community and throughout the world. Mt Hebron is indeed proud of its long standing ministries such as the Hebron Day School, whose origin dates back to the kindergarten program begun in 1966 under the guidance of Miss Lillie Buff. The service and outreach through the Mt Hebron Counseling Service, which became a full-time ministry in June of 1989, under the direction of the Rev. Ken Barwick, serves the emotional and spiritual needs of many people who need a listening ear.
Mt Hebron United Methodist Church is proud of the long history of service in this area and looks with anticipation to the opportunities for ministry and mission in the future.