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Invitation to John, by Robert Kysar

- Led by Rev. Wm. Kevin Cooley

The Gospel of John stands apart from the other three in what it tells about the story of Jesus and how the stories are told.  In it, we find Jesus speaking, not in parables, but in lengthy discourses.  We overhear Jesus talking with so many of the familiar Biblical persons.  Jesus issues two invitations: ‘Come and see,’ and ‘Follow me.’  This study invites you to come and see this Jesus, to hear him speak, to see his signs and to re-examine anew what it means to be his followers.

Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm in Room 401 and

via Zoom

Invitation to John - Small Group
11.17.21 Invitation to John
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11.17.21 Invitation to John

11.10.21 Invitation to John
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11.10.21 Invitation to John

11.3.21 Invitation to John
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11.3.21 Invitation to John

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