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  • Writer's pictureRevKevinCooley

Reflections in a Season of Turmoil - Value

I have spoken lately of the re-valuation process that this season of turmoil has created. We are all assessing the activities in which we participate and items we buy in terms of their significance. And out of that process, many of us are making decisions we never thought we’d make! Until recently, however, I did not think about how this re-valuation process applied to people as much as it did to activities and purchases.

Then I saw a news story on Good Morning America that changed that. It seems Fisher Price has created a new line of action figures celebrating the heroes of this season – nurses, doctors, EMTs, delivery drivers, and grocery workers. Watching it I realized that even while honoring these most important servants, they were also recognizing the new-found value we place upon these kinds of work and those who do these kinds of work. Thank God for the reminder.

The vast majority of those who work in these areas have labored selflessly and tirelessly for years without any great appreciation of their essential-ness to our communities. They have not been afforded easy work hours or conditions. And they have certainly not hoped for great compensation or popularity. In many ways it’s these very folks who have modeled the sacrificial character so prevalent in Christ Jesus.

One of my prayers throughout this season of turmoil is that I would rightfully re-value and recognize the contributions of those who are living and working into Christ’s sacrificial character. Maybe that’s a word of encouragement at the store or a prayer of praise for the nurse that guides me through an appointment. I’m also praying that this re-valuing and appreciation may remain with me, and us, beyond this season.

Is this a new reality – a new order - into which we will move? Will it be a new season where those who sacrifice and serve will be recognized as true heroes?

If it is, one of the greatest prayers of this season of turmoil will have been answered.

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